Monday, 19 November 2012

about HTML

Hello friends !! Today now i am just going to explain about HTML (Hypertext Marup Language ).As every one know that we can't make any website without help of html.So it is comment .if u want to make website in so you have to also learn about html to make attractive

What is HTML???

HTML is an abbreviation that stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the language of web pages—the markup language that browsers read to render web pages.HTML is made up of elements (often called tags) that build the contents of a web page. The differences between HTML and other programming languages include:
  •  html is not compiled.It is written and used without any change being done do it. i starts out a text file and is still a    text file when a browser or user agent interprets it
  •   HTML is human readable. While some other programming languages can be read by people (and not just machines), many times you have to learn the language to really understand it. In comparison, most HTML beginners can at least guess what an <img> tag does, for example.

I hope this post will help you ..
If you have some query regarding to this topic then just post you comment hear.Your comment will be appropriate..


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