Sunday, 18 November 2012

about html and attributes

Understanding HTML Tag and Attributes:
Elements are composed by two tags: start tag and end tag (except for empty elements where the end tag is ommitted). Elements are not tags, elements are represented by tags in the code, but they are usually considered, erroneously, the same thing. Here is a basic example of an HTML strong element with both start and end tags, and the content in the middle:Example<strong>Text with a strong emphasis</strong>

Attributes:Attributes give certain characteristics to an element (e.g., height, color, relationship, etc.), sometimes very important, that will finally set how it must be interpreted. For example, the HTML a elemen  inserts a link in an HTML document (a way to go from the actual document to another resource, usually with a click), but the rel attribute establishes which is the relationship between the actual document and the destination resource.For Example
<a rel="help" href="anotherdoc.html">Another document providing help</a
I hope this post will help you ..
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Hey thanax alot to comment i will revert you back soon...


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