Friday, 28 September 2012

Introduction to web server ,web browser & http

hello Friends !! Today i am going to explain first topic of which  is introduction to web  server and web browser and about HTTP.

 !! Web Server !!

Web server can refer to either the hardware (the computer) or the software  (the computer application) that helps to deliver web content that can be accessed through the Internet

!! Web Browser !!

Surfing the web is made possible by Web browsers. Browsers are basically software programs that allow you to search for and view various kinds of information on the Web, such as web sites, video, audio, etc. There are some browser which are commonly use.
  1. Opera
  2. Firebox
  3. Google Chrome 
!! HTTP !!
  •   HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  •   HTTP protocol is a stateless and connectionless protocol because each command is     request is executed independently, without any knowledge of the requests that were   executed before it. It is the protocol used for the web.

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