Operator in C#
An operator is a symbol that tell the computer to perform certain mathematical or logical manipulations.Operator are used in programming to manipulate data and variables.They usually form a part of mathematical or logical expressions.
C# support a rich set of operation .C# operator can be classified into a number of a number of related categories as give below.
An operator is a symbol that tell the computer to perform certain mathematical or logical manipulations.Operator are used in programming to manipulate data and variables.They usually form a part of mathematical or logical expressions.
C# support a rich set of operation .C# operator can be classified into a number of a number of related categories as give below.
- Primary operator.
- Unary Operators.
- Arithmatic Operators.
- Relation Operators.
- Logical Operators.
- conditional Operators.
Now the explanation of Operator is givn below one by one..
Primary Operator:=>
- Groping()
- Member.
- Struct Pointer Member Variable ->
- Method call().
- Increment ++.
- Decrement--.
- Constructor call(new();).
- Array stack allocation[].
- Sizeof.
- Checked.
- Unchecked.
Unary Operator's:=>
- +
- -
- !
- ~
- ++
- --
- Type cast.
- *
- &
Airthmatic Operator's:=>
- *
- /
- %
- +
- -
- >>
- <<
Relational operator:=>
When we compare two quantity and depending on their relation take certain decision.For example we may compare the age of two person or the price of two items and so on.These comparisons can be done with the help of relational operator.
- <
- <=
- >
- >=
- ==
- !=
These are relation Operator in C#..
Logical Operator:=>
The logical operators are used when we want to form compound condition by combining two or more relations.For example...
- &&
- ||
- !
- &
- |
- ^
Conditional Operators:=>
This operator is used to construct conditional expression of the form.For example...
where exp1,exp2 and exp3 are expressions.
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I hope this post will help you !!
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can u tell me what is the meaning of #?
v always used dis # in languages c, c++.. with include....so whts meaning y v used dis????????plz tell me na??????????:)
@aditi # is preprocedure directories that is link to the header file like #include in c & C++ and in C# it is only denote a name that is sharp (c sharp) so we say it c sharp ..........
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