Friday, 17 August 2012


Hiii… !!! Today I am going to tell you about the use of  array in Java..
Array !!

It is a type of data structure,which contains fixed size sequential homogeneous set of elements.
Syntax: (declaration of an array)
Datatype[] arrayname;
Int[5] n;
int c = 15;
int[] p={1,2,3,4,5};

Creation of an array:
  • Actually in Java,array is act as object created by the new method.

n=new n[5]; \\ allocate memory for the 5 elements in array n
Some points:
  •  When memory is allocated for an array, the elements are automatically initialized to their default values:  zero for all numeric primitive data types, false for boolean variables and null for references.
  • The first element in every array is the zeroth element of that array.
  • When accessing an array element, if the index is less than zero or greater than or equal to the array length then an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.
  • Arrays have a length data field (read only), specifying the number of elements in the array.
  • The length data field can be accessed through the dot operator.
for ( int k=0; k < a.length ; k++ )
  • System.out.println( a[ k ] );The bounds of an array are integers between 0 and length – 1…..

Coping of an array …
Elements of an Arrays can be copied by System.arraycopy() method:
Arraycopy() does not allocate memory for the destination array; the memory must already
be allocated.

int[] p = { 1, 2, 3,4, 5 };
int[] c = new int[ p.length ];
System.arraycopy(p,0,c,0,p.length);  //copy array p to array c
Multidimensional array:
Java also support multidimensional array or you call call it as arrays of arrays.
This can be declared by appending the brackets after the array name.
Int[][] n=new int[5][5];  //integer array 5 x5 elements
          Int[][][] three=new int[2][4][5]; //integer array 2x4x5 elements

Now !! You can download the copy of this article in pdf file by just click on below download link..

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