Saturday, 28 July 2012


                 How C# Differ From C++????

As started earlier ,C# was derived from C++ to make it the language of choice for C and C++ programmers.C#  therefor shares major parts of syntax with c++ .However ,the C# designers introduced a few changes in the syntax of C++ and removed a few feature to reduce the common pitfalls that occurred in C++ program development . They also added a number of additional features to make  C# a type safe and web-enabled language...

Some Point hare:->

  1. C# compiles straight from source code to executable code,with no object file.
  2. In c# class definition does not use a semicolon at the end.
  3. c# does not support #include statement.
  4. c# checks for uninitialized variable and gives error messages at compile time .In c++ an uninitialized variable goes undetected thus resulting in unpredictable output.
  5. c# does not support pointer types for manipulating data.
  6. We can only create object in C# using the new keyword.
  7. In c# switch can also be used on string value.
  8. C# does not support multiple code inheritance 
  9. When overloading a virtual method ,we must use the override keyword.
  10. C# does not support default argument.

                     How C# Differ from Java????

Like c#, Java was also derived from C++ and therefor they have similar roots.Moreover C# was developed by Microsoft as an alternative to Java for web programming .C# has borrowed many good feature from Java which has already become a popular internet language.There is exist a number of differences between C# and Java .

Some Point hare:->

  1. although c# uses .Net runtime that is similar to Java runtime ,the c#compiler produces an executable code.
  2. C# has more primitive data type.
  3. Unlike Java all c# data type are object.
  4. Array are declared differently in C#.
  5. c# support the struct type ans Java does not.
  6. Java does not provide for operator overloading.
  7. C# provides static constructors for initialization.
  8. in Java the switch statement can have only integer expression,while C# support either an integer or string expressions.
  9. C# allows a variable number of parameter using the params keyword .
  10. c# check overflows using checked statements.
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